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:: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 ::


Nothing particularly worth wasting time writing about.  Played darts with an astronaut…  which I probably enjoyed less than playing darts with friends the next day, methinks.  At least the friends' food was infinitely better than the food we had at the astronaut's house. 

Quote of the (Day before Yester)Day:

"No one's fooled.  Saying, 'your 13-year-old sister will be hot when she's older' means 'your 13 year-old sister is hot.'"

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:18 PM ::
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:: Friday, March 23, 2007 ::

Management is a funny thing.  Besides the whole labotamy thing, I think it also requires courses in avoiding the truth…   I'm sitting here listening to a 20 minute (and counting) conversation where the group lead is telling one of the guys that he's losing his window seat.  Basically, someone else with "seniority", i.e. was hired at least 60 seconds earlier, wants a window seat.  So he's having to move.  The thing that really sucks is that it's someone from a completely different group.  Someone else from another group wants a window seat, so someone in our group has to give up his. 

But, of course, the manager can't just say that…  Instead, they construct amazing complex reasons that seem to be that everyone on this side of the building is moving to make room for a new person on the other end of the building… but somehow, the ONLY person who has to actually change seats is our guy with the window seat.  Amazing, no? 

Anyway, the explanation has taken over 20 minutes so far.  Why couldn't the manager just say "hey, I'm moving you." and be done with it.  (got distracted… it's now been 30 minutes, and he's still going).  It's annoying me.  More out of principle than anything.  I probably shouldn't be writing it down, but it's a running joke in our department how long it takes this guy to say anything.  We time conversations and compare notes.  The other day, it took him 7 minutes, 40 seconds on the phone to tell me to change one line in a excel spreadsheet.  I've seen people sum up one of his hour-long ramblings in three sentences - and not miss ANY information! 

I could ramble on about it for a while, but then I'd be slightly hypocritical…  and I'm actually a little busy at work, right now.

(p.s.  Didn't post this right away… it's been 35 minutes, and he's still going!!!)

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:27 PM ::
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:: Thursday, March 22, 2007 ::

I find it interesting that one sentence can screw up a day.  I mean, sure, there are plenty of earth-shattering sentences that can mess up your day - "your dog is dead."  "you need a new transmission."  "you're fired."  "you're under arrest."  "I just want to be friends."  - but those aren't the sentences I'm talking about.  More like, you fumble through a sentence in front of a cute girl, or your boss's boss's boss, and you spend the rest of the day thinking about how stupid you sounded.  You can't help but reflect on the fact that instead of saying "the answer is 5" you said "Mein aingster fie."  ((in which case, you also have to wonder where you learned German)).  Or maybe you resort to caveman speak.  "you have a knack at remember people's names" becomes "you good name, me not." 

I know we've all done stuff like that, but I wonder how long the average person spends reflecting on their recent appearance of stupidity. 

:: posted by Tmber :: 12:04 PM ::
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:: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 ::

Do you want to play a game?   Which symptom have I NOT had since Tuesday:

- Fever (up to 103.2)
- Headache (worst of my life)
- Body aches
- Sinus congestion
- Runny nose
- Coughing (to the point I couldn't sleep)
- Sore throat
- Dizziness
- Fatigue (ranging from "too tired to sit up" to "omg! I couldn't move even if I wanted to."
- Slight disorientation (probably connected to constant fever)
- death.

I'll give you a hint…. I'm still typing. 

The fatigue was the killer…  even on Saturday, I fixed myself a sammich on Saturday, and it took me two trips.  I had to go back and rest before finishing.  Oh, and food…   here's a list of what I had to eat:

- Wednesday:  water and 1 piece of chocolate
- Thursday:  water
- Friday:  1 bowl of cereal, 1 piece of pizza, water
- Saturday:  1 sammich, 1 mini bag of chips, water

But, the fatigue was not lack-of-food related.  I was exactually exhausted started Wednesday morning.  I finally got back to semi-normal food on Sunday.  anyway, it's apparently the same plague they're having in Colorado right now, and the same plague that knocked my brother out of commission for about 3 weeks.  Fun stuff. 

I should write some here about how Vegas was fun…  I don't have time, but feel free to see Deedee's blog.  I will say that I thought it was neat that we saw the chick from Heroes.  And overall, the trip was a lot of fun. 

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:09 PM ::
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