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:: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 ::

Quote of the Day:

"[There are] two seasons in the state of texas... HOT and february..." - Kris

:: posted by Tmber :: 11:48 PM ::
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:: Monday, July 11, 2005 ::
Yeah, I guess it has been a month and a couple of days, huh? I have a reason (not an excuse... a reason)... see, I've been preoccupied (not hyperfocused... preoccupied) with a couple of things, and I didn't want to write about them, but at the same time, whenever I sat down to write, that's all I could think about. So, here ya go... my thoughts.

I've been involved in an internet investing opportunity for 4 1/2 months now. I didn't mention this to many people at all because I wanted to make sure it wasn't a scam first. Well... it's not. I've tripled my investment. I actually have made enough to cash out a part of it to cover my intial investment plus $1000. The rest is still invested, and will continue to earn incredible interest for me every month. The site is StudioTraffic. It's not something I found randomly... Deedee's parents showed it to us. they've been doing it for a long time now. Turns out this site has been up for over two years now...

Don't get me wrong... It's risky. but it's paid off for us. If anyone is interested in it, read the site and give me a call. I don't get anything for you signing up, so I'll give you an unbiased opinion of the system and the risks involved.

so there's that, and there's my free ipod kick. I recently discovered Gratis Network. They give away free stuff. At least very very cheap. And this site works, too, apparently, as I know several people who have gotten their iPod from them, for like $1. (If you're interested in this, talk to me... I can show you how to get your free stuff faster and cheaper than doing it alone.)

Ok... so that's all good and fine. So what's bugging me? Well, I apparently have been dubbed pyramid-scheme man, or something. Do I have a pyramid tattooed on my head or something? NONE of these are pyramid schemes! You work for them, and either it works or it doesn't... You don't get money from people below you or anything.

ya know, when I see something like this that works, I get excited... But in this case, I didn't want to bother people with it, since it was risky (studiotraffic). So I go out, take a risk, and keep my mouth shut for 4 months. And I make $1,000 profit! So I start telling people about it, and it's dismissed as a scam and a get rich quick scheme. Ok... fine. I'm just trying to show people how to make a few extra thousand a month... but it's risky... so sure. I completely understand. Actually, I would advise against it if you can't afford to lose money. But at least let me finish telling you about it before you decide. Don't just stamp "pryamid scheme" on my forehead and send me on my way.

But that doesn't bug me nearly as much as the freeipod thing does. With studiotraffic, there are risks. the free ipod thing... We're talking $0.99. A whole, entire, complete, grand, whopping dollar. Now, if this was a new thing, and you weren't sure if people were going to try to screw you over, then ok... But this site has been around for a while. They've been on CNN and TechTV. Everyone says they work, and I've seen proof. I will soon have proof, actually, as I have completed the work for a free ipod shuffle. that's $130 ipod shuffle for about $10 total, after I paid people back for their time, and such.

The ipod shuffle thing does require referrals, which is why I've been bugging people around here about this one. For example, you and 3 friends much each spend that whopping dollar so that one of you can have a free ipod. Now... I thought I had a pretty good working relationship with 3 people. (ya know... at least 3). I thought I could get 3 friends to join me in my quest for a free ipod. Then, I thought I could at least convince 3 friends to spend $1 for me with no problem. Then, I thought i could give them $5 for their $1, and that would work. Then I tried $10, and I tried $20. Ya know what? there's no way that I can get people to spend $1 for me.

I got Deedee, Richard, and my mother to spend $1. That's it. I didn't ask a single person to do anything I wasn't doing. And the risk was too much. Ya know, the risk of taking my $20 and spending $1 on my behalf. too risky.

Now, some people have said that they don't like free stuff. I have been told by more than one person (as one person put it best), they hate people who "drudge the internet looking for freebies and handouts." I don't spend all day, everyday doing nothing but looking for freebies or handouts. I work for a living. But when someone shows me a viable opportunity to take part in something that results in my saving a couple hundred dollars, then sure... I'll listen to what they have to say. Apparently this makes me dispicable and annoying.

Now, I have to say here that I can identify with Brian's opinion, and so he's kinda exempted from this... But everyone else who said they hated free stuff... I only asked people like me who like techie toys. And most of those people, like me, do not have the extra cash to buy all the new toys they want. Especially when all we do, as college students, is complain about how broke we are... Here's a way to get stuff for FREE! what's bad about that??? I don't get it!!! Extremely small amount of risk ($1), for a potentially very good reward (ipod, psp, digital camera...).

Especially considering I know, inevitably, people will go out and spend 2 or 3 hundred dollars on these things, and then complain how broke they are, again. Now, I do the same thing. Complain I'm broke... then go buy a new toy (say... a media center)... and then complain I don't have money. Know the difference? No one offered me a way to get a media center for free.

Ok... let's for a second say that you hate free stuff. When, what is so wrong about spending $1 for me so I can have free stuff? Especially when I'm willing to pay you for it! Free, indeed. I don't know how many hours I've spent trying to convince people that this is not a scam. There's your hard work and effort.

I dunno... I don't get it... but I'm sure there's something I'm missing. If I can't get close friends to do this, then there must be something wrong with me. I wish I knew what it was.
:: posted by Tmber :: 12:12 AM ::
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