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:: Saturday, April 16, 2005 ::

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of being offended by literature. Why do we keep these books on the shelf? What exactly are we telling our children? It's not enough that we simplly burn every copy of Mark Twain's historically accurate portrayal of the south, Huckleberry Finn. No, we need to go one step further. Not just content that is offensive to the morbidly stupid... No! we must ban novels that even have titles that might be offensive. That's why I'm proud to announce that as of today, I am launching a campaign to fix this injustice. I'm calling it Operation "Moby Richard."

As indicated by the name of Operation "Moby Richard," I aim at changing this most foul of book titles first. Anyone can see the true meaning behind this book. Great White Whale, indeed. I mean, just look at the most quoted lines from the book: "... I stab at thee; ...I spit..." ** and who can forget, "there she blows!"

Maybe we should just rename the book "Moby Cigar!" The more I think about this book, the more I think we should just burn it... yes... burn it, but only AFTER we change the name to Moby Richard... or Moby Cigar... either way.

Quote of the Day:
"Ignorance is the parent of fear..." --Herman Melville, Moby Dick

** I feel compelled to repost that quote which I so badly butchered: ""...from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:54 AM ::
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:: Monday, April 04, 2005 ::
I'm brushing my teeth, and all of a sudden it hits me: "holy crap, the old guy from Boy Meets World is the voice of KITT in Knight Rider!"

This has absolutely no significance, and it really makes me wonder what my mind does when I'm not using it...

p.s. This is, in fact, true, as per IMDb: William Daniels

:: posted by Tmber :: 4:08 AM ::
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:: Friday, April 01, 2005 ::
I feel like crap. Should I? you tell me... I got this offer, more or less, from my boss... he basically says he'll pay me to go work for NASA for a summer. It could lead to a more permanent employment in two years, he says. Said it could lead to my PhD on NASA's bill... sounds good so far, right? So I met with the guy in charge of this project. He told me, "we basically need someone to become an expert in solid rockets." Bad thing #1: Then he tells me the project is only for one year. Bad thing #2:

so let me back up... got a friend up at the ERC that I've worked with for years (you know, the years when I wasn't in Colorado)... Even lived with the guy for a summer, actually. He's been talking for months about rocketry. He has read books on rockets, and genuinely wants experience working with rockets... He currently is working on a numerical method project, but, for the kicker, he already works for the guy in charge of this project. He's miles ahead of me when it comes to rocketry... I mean, I really don't know much about it... Dr. Koenig kinda skipped that part of our propulsion class cause we had got so caught up in turbojets...

I've always been a very strong believer in using the best person for the job. Normally I'm egotistical enough to believe that that's always me. This is an exception. In this case, I do not believe I am the best person for this job. For that reason, I went to my boss and asked him why he wouldn't put this other person on this project. His answer was short and fairly harsh. In the end, he told me that it's none of my concern what happens to anyone else but me. Going back to bad thing #1, he also told me that this project IS only for one year, but I should be able to take what I learn and apply it towards a PhD.

so now I feel like crap. I have a project that is not my PhD project that could lead to me working with NASA if I can stick with it for that long... AND I am NOT the best person for this job. I'm just doing this job because it's my best option. My friend would be doing this job because he's dying to do it. I mean, really... who would you want working for you?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for working at NASA... but not like this. screwing over a friend to get a job that you don't really want just so you can work for a department that you plan on transferring out of as soon as you get there... This is not on my list of "Things I Would Do To Work For NASA"...

Quote of the Day:
"Of course I make you pay a lot for me; that way you don't forget how much I'm worth." -- Deedee, on birthday presents

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:54 AM ::
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