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:: Friday, March 25, 2005 ::

I promised an educational entry... so I'll do that real quick.

Did you know that hippos have very interesting tails? They are very short, but very thick, and all muscle, apparently. They can move incredibly fast. Just fast enough, actually, to fling poo at exactly the rate it comes out of their behinds. Flying hippo poo. And lot of it! These guys fling poo everywhere! We thought the walls of the hippo enclosure were covered in dirt... ooooohh no. poo. Deedee had a camera pointed right at the hippo when he decided to demonstrate this supernatural poo-flinging ability, but we were both so shocked at the efficiency of the poo-distribution that neither of us thought to push the button.

So there you have it. Education. No longer should you be afraid of monkeys that can fling poo. It was determined that "the number one phrase you would never hear Chad say" would be perfectly acceptable and understandable if I ever find myself standing behind a hippo at a bad time. Which brings up my next point, actually...

Deedee is compiling a list of the Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear Chad Say... I am curious what people think might go on that list. So feel free to leave a comment below and vote for your favorite :)

ok... gotta run for now...

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:33 AM ::
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:: Sunday, March 20, 2005 ::
yeah, I know I don't write quite as much anymore as I used to, but hey, life is funny like that. I'm getting close to finishing one degree (graduate in May, actually), and my research is picking up. That makes me sound real busy, but there's a lot more to my life than just school. I'm working on a bunch of business ideas, and I'm in Phase 1 of a project that could actually solve my debt problems. I'm really excited about it, but I don't want to jinx it just yet. There's 4 phases, and if it actually works, I'll be telling everyone about it, don't worry. If it fails, well... that would suck... a lot.

Important news from my life (you know, for the two of you who still read this...):

My grandmother passed away last Thursday. It was a tough time for the family. My dad's side of the family has been matriarchal for a while, with Grandma at the head of the family. We have had Christmas Eve at her house since before I can remember. She used to spend days (literally) fixing food for Christmas Eve dinner, and your status in the family was reflected by which table you were allowed to eat at. Sadly enough, I think I only got to enjoy one year at the adult table. In recent years, the food was switched to store bought as Grandma's health faded, and last year for the first time ever, we didn't go to Grandma's on Christmas Eve. That side of my family is so diverse, and I only got to see everyone really on Christmas Eve. It makes me wonder what's going to happen to the family now that Grandma is gone. I really don't see my oldest Aunt taking over the family. She's kinda too wrapped up in her own business. I kinda have a feeling that that side of the family is going to go the way of every other family in America these days. Just get split up and out of touch. sad...

Anyway, I really have to go to bed, but I have a lot I'd like to write about... perhaps later. My next post should be educational, so don't miss that one... I learned an interesting fact about hippopotomi that I would like to share :)

:: posted by Tmber :: 10:25 PM ::
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:: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 ::
So I had a test in econ the other day, and right before the test, I realized I couldn't think of a very good definition for multicolinearity. So I googled it... I found the following conversation on a forum at a math and statistics site:
The reasonably attractive math girl described a statistical situation as exhibiting a "multi-colinearity". Upon further review, I don't even really know what that implies, but I do think it means that I want her now. Any female that spits out words like that either scares me or allures me. And I can't tell which is which.

Also, the prof used the phrase "less than useless" to describe a certain variable. Within the next 24 hours, I will be termining someone "less than useless".

It could be you.

I doubt that any woman smart enough to be in a high-level math/science course would be dumb enough to like a boy who's surprised when women exhibit intelligence.

Ahh, Bess, how quickly I've soured your opinion of me! Fickle, just like a woman! And sassy to boot!

It wasn't intelligence, it was math competence. They are much rarer breeds, and if you don't believe me, it's a friggin observation, based on experimental data. Argue with the numbers, not me.

I guess it was just funny to me... but I thought I'd share it, anyway.

In other news... I have nothing else to say... Sad, no?
:: posted by Tmber :: 9:33 PM ::
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