:: So It Is Written... ::

Proof that my head is directly connected to the internet.
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:: Thursday, February 24, 2005 ::

A mere 10 hours later, I remember what I sat down to write earlier. It was a dream. Quite possibly a nightmare, if it weren't so funny. (it weren't... I'm southern).

So I was in dire need of surgery. Apparently needed a new organ of some sort, two if I remember correctly. Only... I don't have insurance, and surgery is expensive. So... when we all need something cheap, where do we go??? yup, that's right... Walmart. Walmart! It was in the future and Walmart had expanded to the point that they had a mini-hospital inside! I think it was by the craft section. Or maybe it was automotive... either way. It's just sitting out in the middle of no where... an operating table with lights, a doctor in scrubs, and a nurse.

So I'm running up to the counter with an organ in my hand... Well, in a ziplock bag, actually. Two ziplock bags, because there were two of them. Probably bought two cause one looked like it was going bad. No, I'm not entirely sure I bought the organs at Walmart, but, ya know... it would fit with the dream here. Oh, and I was running because the organs were going to go bad if I didn't hurry.

So I run up to the counter and check in. I'm late, but that's ok... The doctor's still cleaning up from his last patient. I'm talking to the nurse as she is getting me ready and hooking me up.. .and it's all rushed... takes about 3 minutes. I remember the last thing before she stuffed the thing over my nose and I passed out was saying to the nurse was something to the effect of, "darnedest thing... can't believe I'm having surgery at Walmart!"

the end

:: posted by Tmber :: 9:21 PM ::
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I might have had something interesting to say when I sat down at the computer to write a blog... but that was an hour ago, and now I don't remember.

I am busy, which sucks. I have realized I simply don't have enough time.. TIME! I called a certain pregnant woman last week, and when she answered the phone I couldn't remember why I called ::coughcoughAlzheimer'scough::... I just remembered... I was going to ask her since she's just using her time to wait for a baby if I could borrow some of that time to get done all of what I need to get done! HA! I remembered... Which begs the question (A la Deedee's memory class), Did I ever really forget in the first place?

So here's my list of stuff I'm working on:
-the equivalent of 16 hours of graduate classes
-an engineering analysis for stupid project
-engineering research (which my boss just told me I might be presenting a paper in January)
-D&D monday nights
-WhiteWolf two weekends a month
-(maybe) be DC for the only official whitewolf domain in mississippi
-starting a student organization on campus
-Business Research for a $1/2 Million business we're trying to start
-Web server support for a tiny business idea (currently on hold)
-quality time for my wife
-reading a book
-some smaller stuff not worth mentioning

Things I would like to do but simply cannot find the time:
-Teach tae kwon do - seriously... I have students asking me to teach self defense classes, and I just don't have the time...
-Work out more - swim, or just go back to doing martial arts... nope... no time
-play games online
-play games at all
-watch FarScape & MythBusters
-watch any one of the movies I have bought in the past 6 months, but haven't been able to open
-shave... really... shave. I haven't shaved in three weeks because I can't give up the 45 minutes it takes to properly trim my beard... If you have seen me without shaving for a week, I look like a lumberjack... x3, it's bad... one of my professor used me as an example in an impromtu speech about appearances in the business world... between my hair and my beard, he basically said I was worthless, business-ically speaking. (businessically... adv. - in a sense pertaining to business. etymology: Chadian, early 21st century.)

I can't complain too much, though... I did get to play Risk 2210 last night. gotta love risk... great quotes come out of risk... especially with 2210, where the countries are renamed... For example, Djibouti (pronounced, Ja Booty)...

Quote of the Day:
"I go into Djibouti from my happy place" - Kyle

:: posted by Tmber :: 12:23 PM ::
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:: Friday, February 18, 2005 ::
Yeah, I haven't been posting a lot lately. Partly because school has kept me busy, and partly because I've been using my blog as a test for new websites, so I haven't wanted to make a lot of changes to it. I've actually got my web server up and running now, which is a good thing... If I can get passive ftp to work, then I'll probably move all the websites over to our server... That'll be kinda neat. Anyone need any web hosting services?

In other news, I'm working on starting a business... Been working on the basic idea since about November, and we're getting into the gritty details now... Business plans suck, btw. Crunching the numbers is slightly intimidating, and shows up that we don't have a lot of margin to work with. It wouldn't be so bad if we were just rich... Anyone want to spot us about half a mil? We'll get it back to you... eventually.

In unrelated school crap, you know, I dislike smug people. I mean, it's one thing to make a 100 on a test and be proud of it... It's another thing to make a 100, then get up in front of the class and parade it around and rub it in with a smug, arrogant smile on your face. It's a long story, but let's just say the prof gave his little pet plenty of opportunity to show off by letting her go up to the front of the class and give the right answers for the test questions... She then took it upon her self to "teach" things that were totally unrelated to the test questions she was answering. She called on me to answer a question... Went something like this...
her: (blah blah blah) ...so who's trust did she violate, Chad?
me: the general public's
her: yes, but what's another way to say that? How about... the public's trust???

no kidding... she actually did that. I'm not exaggerating. seriously. seriously pissed me off is what it did... I don't think I need to explain why I felt extremely annoyed at her arrogence... turns out it's not just me, either. After class a few people were talking in the MBA lounge, and every really felt she went too far and was too egotistical. annoying... do I annoy people like that?

ok... gotta sleep.

p.s. CSI is extremely addictive.

:: posted by Tmber :: 12:28 AM ::
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