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:: Friday, December 24, 2004 ::

Someone recently commented that some of the quotes on this blog, when taken out of context (which all of them are) are very questionable in their very nature... so I have two quotes for you today. Both out of context. One of these I heard out and about in huntsville, but I will leave it to you to figure which is which.

In other news, We're in Huntsville (obviously, by the previous statement "out and about in huntsville"), spending time with Deedee's family. We'll be heading to memphis soon, but I'm a bit depressed by it, actually. It'll be the first time since before I was born that we will not be spending Christmas Eve at my grandmother's house. Grandma is in the hospital, currently, and so the rest of the family will be taking turns going and seeing her, but there will be no big get-together this year... Kinda sad. Guess it plays into this year's theme of breaking old traditions and starting new traditions, though.

ok... more later... gotta sleep... must drive in the morning.

Quote of the Day (and Yesterday):

"I've said some funny things in my life, but I've never made anyone puke their crotch."

"Hey, Dude, it's not like I was trying to stick my fingers up your butthole or anything weird like that."

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:22 AM ::
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:: Thursday, December 09, 2004 ::
20 pages. over 4700 words. two sunrises in two days. and that was only for ONE final. for my ONE HOUR class! and that doesn't include the additional 12 pages for the group section of the final, which I did last week. I have seen PhD dissertations that have been 80 pages. That means I wrote over a 1/3 of a dissertation for the finals for this one hour class. anyone else seen the problem here?

well, I am on the verge of passing out, so I probably should sleep. What I'll actually do is look up a couple of things first and then pass out later.

I had written a three page blog entry about how much this one interview on MSNBC pissed me off, but blog ate it, and it would cause me great anger to write it again. Had to do with how MSNBC used stock footage of assault rifles, combat shotguns, and uzi's overlayed on top of a texas rep who was talking about one of the high schools auctioning off a hunting rifle to raise funds to fence in the school to keep people out. Stupid ditz-head reporter asked the same question over and over "in the day and age of columbine, aren't you sending out the wrong signal about putting guns in the hands of children?" the texas rep kept saying that the gun was raffled off to adults who had to pass state and federal regulations before they took possession of the gun, but the ditz-head wouldn't listen. Finally the texas rep asked her how many times she was going to ask the same question over and over. Little did the rep know that it was just so that they could show more stock footage of assault rifles... and they cut it with stock footage of jr. high kids walking down the halls. So you see kids, you see uzi's... pissed me off. wasn't even subliminal, it was blatent. ok... must stop talking about it.

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:43 PM ::
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:: Friday, December 03, 2004 ::
you know, I never gave much thought to the fact that I play guitar... but this apparently is a big deal for some people. Actually, the fact that I play guitar is insignificant, it's the fact that they didn't know I played guitar that's the big thing. Apparently some friends of mine that I've known for like 5-6 years were shocked to find out that I own and know how to play guitar. There was much philosophical discussion about how well you really know a person even after knowing them for a long time...

and that explains this post... I have decided to share with you all that I am really not an engineer. I have been masquerading as an engineer so that I could create my art, which requires lots of money and access to really expensive computers, neither of which artists have. These five pieces that I'll share with you today, for example, took 11 1/2 months to make and required the use of the 126th most powerful computer in the world.


I am open to naming ideas, since I have no creativity left... I used it all in those pictures. Alternately, if anyone wanted to donate a large amount of money to have the privlege of naming one of these fine pieces, you could name it whatever you wanted.

And just in case you were wondering, as pieces of art, these are very LOUSY CFD solutions. back the drawing board...

*edit: pun not intentional. I am a sad, sad man.

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:32 PM ::
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