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:: Friday, August 27, 2004 ::

sorry... I'm not going to write much. I just wrote a 3 page entry since I hadn't posted in a while, and when I got to the very end, blogger ate everything. all gone.

Basically, I've been busy. Done homework, classes, bandcamp, work, etc. Started gaming. d20 modern. Gonna lose a player because she didn't have fun during the std. training op. That will leave me with 4 combat character and one non combat. strong, tough, 2 fasts, and a smart. The smart is MacGuyver, and created two bombs from what he stole from the convenience store. First game went bad because group split up with half chasing down the bad guys and half robbing the convenience store. Also, one of the guys took the knife and tried to slit the throat of one of the escaped convicts after he had knocked him unconscious... those of you who've played the mission before realize the problem with this one... Also, a shout out to Trigger, who made an appearance as the over zealous cop who wants to shoot everyone, and eventally brings a shotgun to the party.

Also, if anyone knows how to configure a DNS server, please let me know, because if I can get my DNS server online, I should be able to host websites.

And now that I've condensed 3 pages into less than 3 paragraphs, I leave you with the quote of the day, which comes about because I wanted to complain about a trick question on a pop quiz today...

Quote of the Day:

Matt: "Chad likes making waves. If there is a wave to be made, Chad will make it."
Seth: "That's not true. Sometimes when there's a wave to be made, Chad makes a tsunami."

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:06 PM ::
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:: Sunday, August 01, 2004 ::
So what exactly is the purpose of wedding registries? I have realized over the past few weeks that there is really not much point to registries in general. Even the people at JCPenny's agreed... They said people come in, take one look at what you register for and then say, well, I don't like that, so I'm not going to get it.

So we've been opening gifts for a while now (still keep trickling in), and I think we have gotten a grand total of about 10 things from all our registries, and that includes the three wooden spoons I registered for (thank you, Big Mike). Now, don't get me wrong, none of you who read this bought of gifts that were pointless... for example, one of you got us a afghan that is just great, and Deedee appreciates it very much, and so do I, since it allows me to turn the A/C down to something reasonable (read: freezing). One of you bought us a super-spiffy turntable edition of the game we registered for. No problems there, upgrades are welcome. One of you bought doritos, which, while not on the registry (almost were), is a great example of a well thought out gift.

But what's with the compote? A lady from my mom's work bought us a lead crystal compote. It took me forever just to figure out what the thing was, and I still haven't figured out what it does. The best we've come up with is that it holds banana pudding. After three days of looking, we finally found out where it came from, and we traded it in for a towel. Yes, one towel. It wasn't a very expensive compote. Btw, thank you to those of you who bought towels. They are also a good example of a useful gift that we happened to need since mine disappeared.

Do you know that we registered for about 40 DVDs? I say we because it wasn't just my idea, nor were they all for me. Deedee and I split the DVDs. It's funny, though, because we didn't actually get any DVDs out of all the ones we registered for. That's ok, though... we probably would have had to take them back to buy towels.

Taking stuff back. Now there's a fun adventure everyone should go on. By the time it was all said and done, we had over $400 in gift cards. Some of that came directly as gift cards, but a fair amount came from returning stuff. Of course, you have to make at least two trips to every store -- one to find out where things came from, and one to actually take it back. I should also add, for fairness, that we did take some stuff back just to be picky. For example, we had so many red towels, that we took some back and traded them in for green towels. That's actually one thing we did try to do... We tried to buy stuff that resembled what the original gift was for. Like taking back one set of duplicate oven pans and buying some slightly different pans.

I feel like if I continue telling you about all the stuff we took back, you're going to start worrying, "did they take back my stuff? didn't they like it?" etc, etc, etc. Well, let me reiterate, I can't think of anyone reading this that any of this applies to. That's why I'm writing about it.

And if you didn't buy us anything... well... there's still time. just kidding! We are so broke that if any of you decide to get married in the next 12 months, our gift to you will be showing up... maybe. If gas prices get much higher, you may not get that.

On that note, I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who showed up, including those of you who will never read this. We both had fears of an empty church, and let me just say that it was anything but empty. If anything, it was a little crowded, which was great. That was a great gift, actually. I wanted to stay there and just talk with all the people who showed up, some of which I hadn't seen or really talked to in years. I thank you very much. Unfortunately-- No... Fortunately, Deedee and I had other things to attend to after the reception. And in the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I got to say about that."

This entry is getting a bit long, but I still haven't told you anything about the honeymoon. Ok, ok... I'll try to make it short, though.

It was great. The End.

We went to New Orleans for four days, and that was pretty fun. At some GREAT hamburgers at "Port of Call." Took a lot of good pictures, which we hope to post online sometime or another. Then, we took a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico. I have to say that at first I was a little hesitant about the idea of a cruise. I wasn't quite sure it would really suit me. I was afraid being trapped on a boat in the middle of the sea for a couple of days wouldn't really be that fun. Allow me to say that I was wrong, and my mom is awesome for giving us a cruise for our wedding. It would double the length of this entry to tell you all the things there were to do on the ship. The comedian nearly killed me, and so did all the food. Non-stop food. 24/7. Five course meals, as well as free room service. 24/7. You can order a brownie at midnight, or a ham sammich at 4am. You can even leave little notes on your door of what you want at what time, and they will come by at that time and drop it off. Lots of food. The food wasn't the best part, though... it was just a big part. The best part, for us, was the shore excursions. (I know I'm repeating myself, but...) Let me just say:

Scuba diving is awesome!!!

Yes, Deedee and I went scuba diving. and snorkeling, but let me just say that snorkeling doesn't hold a candle to scuba diving. Snorkeling was a group of 75 people from the back of a boat, and we ran into another group at least as big. Scuba diving was 6 people, and that was too big, so they split us into two groups. Snorkeling was from the surface, and everything is about 30 feet below you. Scuba diving was 30 feet down and everything is right in front of you. We also have pictures of this that we hope to put online soon.

Anyway, we're back from Mexico now. Next time we go, we're going to take preorders for alcohol. because it's cheap. Like, 3 Liters of Crown Royal for $40, cheap. 1L of Kaluah for $10, cheap.

Ok... I really should stop writing. I'll have to tell you later about things like, the six pieces of furniture I have bought and put together in the past week... or the new linux box we have, or our internet, or the painting, or the fire in the microwave that no one told me about, or Shanghai.

ok... later!

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:09 AM ::
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