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:: Sunday, September 14, 2003 ::

Back from New Orleans... had a pretty decent time. Wondered around the French quarter and Bourbon street until about 2am. Taught a palm reader in Jackson square a thing or two... also showed her how to correctly interpret my palm. Talked about reading and such... all for free because it was a slow night and I saved her from having to deal with a drunk that was harrassing her... In the end she almost accidentally gave me her real name, but remembered to correct herself and tell me who she "really" was.

I also harrassed one of the guys who plays chess for money. that was lots of fun. And, of course, you can't walk down Bourbon street without seeing at least half a dozen pairs of brestestes.

The best part of the evening, in my opinion, was watching people watching me. I didn't really plan it, but when I went out, I was wearing my black shirt with red writing that says "I saw your mom on the internet." I walked the length of Bourbon street watching people alternately laugh and get very offended at me. One guy even got up and got in my face saying things like "that's just low... that's just @#$@$^ disgusting, man"... to which I replied, "well, I wouldn't wear it, but my mom bought it for me..." His poor drunken mind couldn't handle it... In the end, he stumbled off to think about it for a while.

I also would like to add that on this trip, I saw two things on a bus that I have never seen before on a band trip. The first... I've heard people joke about playing strip poker on a bus before... but I've never seen a game take place... until now. I thought they were just joking... right up until someone became topless... then all the catcalls and whistling got the attention of the band director in the front of the bus who promptly charged back there and made everyone put (and keep) their clothes on.

In other news, I'm apparently not Christian anymore... at least according to the two Southern Babtist students I talked with on the bus ride home. They were fine with a few of my beliefs right up until I questioned the whole idea of the trinity or "tri-unity" as potentially being nothing more than another outcome of the Catholic Church's "religion for the masses" movement a few centuries ago. I explained it's why we have Christmas in December dispite the fact that taxes were collected around march or april... and why Easter is celebrated on a different day every year... .because they're both layed on top of pagan holidays... maybe the trinity is just a layer put on top of the pagan beliefs in mother, father, deity (contact your local wiccan for more information). Why doesn't the scripture support the trinity? the Word says, "for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son..." not "for God so loved the world that He sent Himself." Jesus' dying words weren't "Me forgive them." John 1 says, "In the beginning, there was God... and He was with God", not "and He was God"... there are hundreds of examples... plus... why is the Holy Ghost only mentioned twice in the scripture? (maybe 4 times, not sure). Wouldn't something as important as the third piece of this puzzle be mentioned and/or explained more? [I think I'll stop here, but please see me if you want the rest of this rant.]

Ultimately, though, when I was finished explaining this, at least three people said that it threw me right past the boundaries of mainstream Christianity, and at least two people said it threw me right out of Christianity all together... Never been called Pagan before... Isn't religious persecution supposed to come from outside your own religion? or should I go the other way with that and say that it is more evidence that Southern Babtist is, in fact, its own religion? Well... let me not go too far here, and just add that I'm not out advocating everyone switch to my beliefs... but it is something worth thinking about... How would we know if this was a core belief of the church in the time before the Catholic church became so dad gum powerful.... ?

ok... gotta run... more later

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:38 PM ::
:: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 ::
Oh, My, Goodness... I swear to you that these people must be the densest, stupidest people I've come across in a LONG time... If you've known me for any length of time, I'm sure you've heard me say "I hate stupid people"... so imagine now what kind of living Hades I'm in right now...

I'm up in the computer lab where the printer has been broken all day long. We've posted signs on every door and two up here at the desk that say "Printer is broken"... people have been coming up here for 3 hours now, standing and waiting, getting impatient and finally asking me, "when are my printouts gonna print?" I don't even look at them now, just point casually to the sign that's about SIX INCHES IN FRONT OF THEIR FACE. I really really wanted to make up signs that say like "print-y no work-y" in lots of ways and hand them out to people and say "here's your sign"... I think that would get me in trouble... Instead I got online and translated the phrase "printer not working" into every language I could including Korean... I then supplimented those signs with signs like, "printer is dead (long live the printer)" and "This printer is no more... it has ceased to be." I also added a phonetically spelled out version and some more obsure versions like "Harvey Ladder Shoe?" ((I'll buy dinner for anyone who can tell me where that comes from.))

Oh yeah... one other minor detail... the entire time, I have taken the printer apart and have all the pieces layed out on the desk so I can work on it... This has led to more problems because I can't help but make snide remarks to people who are so stupid as to ask me if the printer is broke when I'm holding misc. parts in my hands working on them... I've said things like, "no, I just took it apart to annoy you"... "no, can't you see it's working..." "in case printer is broken, there will be signs here, here, here, here, and here"...
and then they ask me, "how long before you fix it?" this has caused me much grief, too... I've said things like, "I don't know... go away and come back later", "never, if i can help it", "sometime next week", and my personal favorite, "as soon as you leave"

Overall, I've been called a smart@$$ three times today along with some other, more creative, terms... not bad for a single day's work.

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:58 PM ::
Also... everyone needs to go to The Mountain and pick out at least one t-shirt that you like.

We're putting together an order. Normally these shirts go for like $20-22 in the stores, IF you can find them, and IF they have the one you want in the size you want... Well.. we think $15 should cover the shirt and shipping on the whole order, but we'll know exact shipping prices after everyone places their order. Shouldn't be any more than $15... may be less.

Anyway, everyone needs to get at least one of these for themselves, or a gift, or something... you can't buy these on your own... we have to buy bulk and it has to be through an official retailer... welllllll... I know of someone who qualifies as a retailer who can place an order for us, so hurry up before they change their mind!!!

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:36 AM ::
Today's question is brought to you by the letter Y... as in Why does it always have to be Gay Porn? Someone up at work got the bright idea to install Kazaa on the lab monitor computer... And then proceeded to download 1.38 Gigs of gay porn into the shared folder... and left it there... So I was up at work on sunday, bored, and decided to scour the machine for mp3s to listen to... and what to my wandering eyes should appear, but Mozart's concerto #3 next to 100 gay porn clips. No, I didn't have to open them to find out... they all had very descriptive file names.

So I emailed the boss and let him know that there were Gigs of gay porn on the machine and he sent me an email telling me to clean it up... said it wasn't illegal... just highly discouraged... wow... I didn't know State was that liberal. The worst part is, I know who this guy is and I have like 3 classes with him... I just want to run upto him and say something to the effect of "you eeeediot... why didn't you at least try to hide your gay porn."

ok, enough about that... I still don't feel like writing about school or my apartment or any of that stuff... it's all pretty mundane anyway, and I'm sure you don't want to hear about it... so I'll leave you with a thought... forget absence... (there's something Freudian about this one)

"Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder" -- anonymous

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:12 AM ::
:: Sunday, September 07, 2003 ::
(now that the blog is back up I can post what has been waiting for some time. I'll start by giving you an entry that most of you will misinterpret, and none of you will fully understand... )

What do you do when, for a moment, you see directly into someone's soul, but you weren't invited? someone you've known for a long time and thought you had figured out, and then... without permission, you gaze deeply into their very being... you see them exposed for what they are, and it's not what you had pictured... a stoic father who becomes a small child weeping, huddled under a tree in a downpour... instinct would dictate rushing to the child and protecting her from the rain and wind... but you can't, for surely you would find the stoic father looking back at you, chastizing you...

in a single glance, you see that the most exciting parts of their life are hidden far beyond what you would think, and you know you can never ask about them because they aren't meant for you to find... and you begin to wish you hadn't thought about all the things you'll never share...

what if you hold your gaze and stare deeper, because, despite your doubts, you want to know more about this person you know but have never seen... This person who is weaved into the fiber of your existance... this person who unknowingly defines you and refines you... uninvited, you stare... without permission, you peer deeper until you discover their soul...

and what if, in seeing their soul, you're entire existance is reduced to meaningless nothingness... salt in the ocean... nothing more than background noise on a public access channel that no one listens to... crushed unimaginably small and discarded... a line item in the budget of their life... and you long to cry out to them, "but why?" but you can't because you were never meant to see exactly how much you never meant.

Forgive me, for I have sinned... I have looked into your life, your being, your very soul... uninvited, I gazed and I have paid the price. I can never forget what I have seen, nor can I cry out to you and try to help, nor am I sure if I would help, having seen myself through your eyes.

The past will forever lie entombed in the past, unyeilding and unchanging against the sands of time. but where do I go from here? If only I could tell you... If only you knew...

:: posted by Tmber :: 4:29 AM ::

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