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:: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 ::

So caleb has hit on the idea of a new drinking game (very funny considering it came from my 16 year old brother... and funnier yet in that I can actually see people playing)... problem is, we need more rules... right now we only have two... now, of course, just from these two, you should be able to get slobbering drunk...

The Iraqi Freedom drinking game:

1) take a shot anytime you hear "Weapons of Mass Destruction"
2) "Shock and Awe" is worth two shots..

now... what others can y'all come up with?

:: posted by Tmber :: 7:41 AM ::
:: Sunday, March 23, 2003 ::
I feel so stupid. I've been wondering why radio stations have been over playing the old song "Landslide"... It's a dixie chicks cover of fleetwood mac... kudos to the dixie chicks... It's been so long since I heard the original that I thought they were the same.

in other news, I'm in memphis. tried to get ahold of certain people who live in memphis, but they were busy doing stuff, I guess...

took my GMAT test... the entrance exam to get into business school... yeah, I did good... Will it help me get some sort of financial aid? We'll find out next week when I go to starkville... I can't wait... It's killing me that even right now I'm closer to Deedee than I have been in months, but I still have to wait another two or three days to see her...

well... I do have some philosophical stuff to write about, but I want to finish collecting my thoughts... I took my ebookman with me on my series of flights today, and I put 10 books on there, like, red badge of courage, huck finn, tom sawyer, conneticut yankee, adv in wonderland, and a couple of others... I also put on there, Genesis and Luke, both from the King James Version of the Bible. I expected to read a connecticut yankee in king athur's court, but instead, I started reading Genesis. What I found slightly bothered me. Now, according to my belief system, the New Testament trumps the Old, but still... I found a lot of it distrubing... Stories that I thought I knew had twists and other small nuances that were never mentioned in Sunday school. It seems to me that past the first couple of chapters, Genesis is plagued with sex. sex, incest, and I can't think of the term for when you trade your wife for goods or services. Just look at Abraham... Abram twice told people that Sarai/sarah was his sister so they wouldn't kill him to take her... so they just took her without killing him... then, when they found out that she was his wife, they gave him lots of riches, cattle, etc. to appologize/save themselves from God's wrath. and it turns out that they WERE brother and sister. Abram and Sarai were half brother/sister. Same father, different mother. I'm upto Joseph so far, and so far, all of Abraham's main line (Issac, Jacob...) have all married first cousins or closer. ::sigh:: I'm gonna have to reread this book again and again until I can make sense of it... I'm also gonna have to alternate between this and the New Testament so that I don't get lost in the madness.

guess it's time to sleep...

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:16 AM ::
:: Thursday, March 20, 2003 ::
34 inches of snow later, I'm still here. It's been crazy around here. It started snowing in denver around 7pm on monday. a little later here. last night around midnight, our electricity went out. Too much snow on the lines and stuff. By that point, we had around 1 1/2 - 2 feet of snow on the ground. We lit some candles here at the house, and played cards for a while. Around 2am, we started talking about hooking up a board to rick's truck and dragging him around the streets. After a search of the house yeilded no rope, we decided to go down to the park where everyone takes sleds and such to go down a big, but not too steep hill, before anyone else would be there. Sure enough, around 2:45, we got there before anyone else. We got out Rick's snowboard, and I can now officially say that I have been snowboarding in colorado. As long as no one asks what slope I went down, I can sound all cool and stuff. I even got up enough momentum on my last run that I flipped head over feet when I crashed.

We took the truck and played in some parking lots, and then came back here and knocked snow off our trees so the branches wouldn't break (probably a smart move considering our neighbor's tree is just devastated, including one branch that landed on their minivan). I did a belly-flop into the snow, and then came inside, having accomplished exactly what I set out to do: become cold, wet, and miserable.

It was actually very fun. I have very little doubt that when anyone asks me what my favorite part of boulder I will remember last night, 2 feet of snow, a snowboard, and my roommates. It reminded me a lot of the 7" snow we had at State. umm... minus one cousin, two garbage bags, and one laundry basket with some unknown girl in it.

lol... re-reading that last sentence just sounds odd if you didn't know what I was talking about. yeah, I'll leave it like that.

well, my camera battery was dead, so I didn't get any good pictures of all the snow. And let me also say that shoveling snow sucks... Shoveling 3 feet of snow really, exceptionally sucks.

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:41 AM ::
:: Friday, March 14, 2003 ::
my computer has been acting very strangely, so I haven't even tried to post lately... besides, not much interesting has happened. I was insulted by a 6th degree blackbelt the other day. He said I wasn't a martial artist, but rather one who dabbles in the martial arts... he wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise to defend myself, either... really pissed me off. but oh well...

role playing is going ok... pissed a couple of people off last night, but it wasn't my fault. I'm also starting to gather ideas for a game this summer. If you're interested, let me know. I'll probably be in memphis, since I can't seem to get any kind of real job for the summer.

speaking of which, if you know of any good summer jobs that pay well, let me know... I am really REALLY going to need money this summer.

I have a "feature" in my language that has caught the attention of linguist researchers at Stanford... can anyone guess what it is? (I don't know right now, but as soon as they tell me, I'll let you know)

I finished my second midterm today almost an hour early. I'm ready for spring break...

ok, I gotta go eat before my meeting this afternoon.

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:09 PM ::
:: Friday, March 07, 2003 ::
no more jury duty... albeit, not for the reasons I expected. The commissioner called this morning to tell me she couldn't disqualify me... I'd have to show up and leave that to the lawyers. I realized, though, that the day I needed to report was during spring break. So I asked to be rescheduled... she said it was no problem and I would be rescheduled for mid-september... when I told her I was leaving the state in early May, she decided I wasn't worth the trouble, and so... I won't be doing jury duty anytime soon.

oh yeah... remember that test I was so worried about and knew I was going to fail? I studied and studied and studied... I spent 6 hours in the prof's office asking for help. I stayed up til 1:30am studying and then laid in bed until after 3 worrying about it. I started waking up at 7:15, every 10 minutes thinking I was late or had slept through the class. I finally woke up, went to class early. Got to class 10 minutes early and the prof was already there waiting to hand out the exam... I knew I was screwed... if we needed the extra time, I didn't have a chance... 20 minutes later, I had finished the test. Assuming I had done something wrong, I spent the next 40 minutes going back over everything. Sure 'nuf, I was done. Just got the test back... 100. I aced it.

I liked the prof's explination of why the test was so easy, "In a couple of years, this test would have been impossible". It was questions off of comp. tests, where it would have been a few semesters since we had seen it. However, right now, when the stuff was fresh in our mind and the equations were written on a sheet of paper beside us, it was really dad gum easy.

all that worrying for nothing... or for very little... can't say it was for nothing. I at least understand a little better now.

I guess since I am in class I should stop typing and pay attention.

:: posted by Tmber :: 11:12 AM ::
:: Thursday, March 06, 2003 ::
I got a Jury Duty summons today... Jury Duty... How did I get jury duty? I'm not registered to vote. I refuse to decide the fate of other people.

I'm submitting a request for disqualification based on religious beliefs. I refuse to play God.

:: posted by Tmber :: 5:39 PM ::
I wrote a long entry earlier tell you, the viewing audience, how worthless I have been lately. How I have done nothing but eat, sleep, watch movies and maybe teach a lab here and there. How Tommy Vercetti made me skip class this morning. How the most interesting thing to happen to me in the past three days was my conversation on bondage earlier. And then my computer died. Thought at first it was the video card because it wouldn't reboot or even turn on. Turns out, the fan on the processor went out and cooked one of my processors.... Luckily, I have two. But it still pisses me off. Luckily, also, it's under warranty. But it still pisses me off. tried to use my laptop only to find out it's broken again... the power connector has come unsoldered again... and yes... that pisses me off, too. Why do I have such luck? Why won't things work the way they're supposed to for me? Why is it my lot in life to have my food served on very dirty dishes when I eat at Chili's? Now, granted, sometimes, it can be a mixed blessing... for example, I didn't want to go to Chili's because it was expensive, but got talked into it by Rick and Richard. Having my meal served on a plate that had a line on it where it had been sitting in dirty dish water got me a free meal... But it still pisses me off. Are we noticing a trend here?

Anyway, I have to go before my computer overheats and dies again. ::sigh::

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:44 AM ::

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