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:: Monday, February 24, 2003 ::

0 degrees... zero degrees. It was zero degrees outside yesterday when I got done role playing. During the walk to my car, I managed to grow large ice crystals in my mustache. saying it's really cold is an understatement.

I have a test wednesday that I'm going to fail. sucks, but oh well... I just don't understand the course. It's out of my normal field of expertise, and the prof is teaching it like we're all at her level, but the sad thing is, most everyone in there is at her level. just not me... I'm an aero engineer, not an atmospheric scientist.

also, I managed to single handedly shut down the DVD promotion compusa was running... it ends on friday instead of in two months now... my roommates finally got very interested in the program and decided to join me. rick has one more trip to make tomorrow, so I can't give you a grand total yet... how many do you think I have? look for the answer by the end of the week.

:: posted by Tmber :: 7:16 PM ::
:: Thursday, February 20, 2003 ::
I updated my DVD list. the list now includes my 30 new movies (29... Powerpuff girls doesn't go on the list, because it's Deedee's). Now playing: antz, spy game, behind enemy lines, santa clause, silverado, my big fat greek wedding, reign of fire, brotherhood of the wolf, 15 minutes, brave heart, windtalkers count of monte cristo, fight club, bad company, bourne identity, office space, saving private ryan, ice age, resident evil, tombstone, k-19, and 7 007 movies: dr. no, goldfinger, man with the golden gun, spy who loved me, licence to kill, goldeneye, tomorrow never dies.

that's a bunch.

it's good to know, though, that if things ever turned financially sour, I could sell my DVD collection for lots and lots of money on ebay.

I've also discovered that I need a new DVD shelf. sad, no?

fixed richard's computer. After he made up his mind to pay $100 to have best buy fix it, I said, well, let me take a crack at it. Sho'nuf, I made it work. was tough, but it works... yeah, richard owes me one... :)

now I need food because I'm hungry. I also have to go to the store... suckage....

:: posted by Tmber :: 12:13 AM ::
:: Sunday, February 16, 2003 ::
yeah, I've been meaning to post here for a while. I've actually had things I've wanted to put on here. Like I wanted to post "karma" and nothing but that, but I felt itwas a waste of time to blog only one word. there have been several small things like that I've had to say, but I've forgotten most of them. I had homework this week. I finished one homework set, one lab report, one abstract, and one 6 page paper. Which really doesn't help my motivation problems. I procrastinated on that paper until I only had 3 hours to research and write the whole thing. And I finished with an hour to spare, which I then spent playing 007 with Rick. If I had been panicked, I might have considered doing it earlier next time. I also bought GTA: Vice City, which also doesn't help motivation problems... well, that's not true... I have been fairly motivated to find more of the unique jumps on there.

I finally get to start playing a character I rolled up over 3 month ago. We're starting our D20 modern game tomorrow. joy. :)

ok, time for a survey... you thought you were just going to get to read my blog mindlessly, didn't you? ha! you were wrong! Now you are obligated to answer the following question: "When does enough become too much?" is that open ended enough for you? Well, here, let me give you some context. As I have noted before in my blog, I am in the process of (very legally) exploiting a very large loophole in a compusa-aol deal. I get a free DVD. and it's just that simple... there are no tricks, no rebates, no trades... just a free DVD. Now... I have gotten exactly 30 DVDs from compusa as of today, and I have paid exactly $0.99, which was only for the first DVD. all the others were free. I have become a "legend" in the local compusa, or so I'm told by the 3-4 guys I ran into today while getting more DVDs. The main guy I'm working with is pretty cool, and I found out that signing me up for so many aol deals put him over the top and he got to walk away with a $700 palm pilot for free. How's that for a bonus? I even had a chat with the general manager of the store, who encouraged me to come back soon... so when do you stop? or when do I stop? I've got 30 free DVDs. Do I go back for more? when is enough too much? you stop eating free food when you're full/sick, but what about when you're kinda obsessive about your DVD collection, and you're 4 away from having 200 DVDs?! ok, I think that's enough context... now you can comment.

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:33 AM ::
:: Sunday, February 09, 2003 ::
hallaujah! I wanted to type halla ()*&)(*&)%#(*&)@#(*$&)@!#*&$ ujah, but I thought it might be over kill. I got my computer to work like it's supposed to. For those of you I don't get to talk to on a daily basis, my computer has been crap for about two weeks now. I couldn't get networking to work, I caught my first virus ever, I bought a new DVD player and cd-burner and a 200 Gig HD. Right now... or actually about 30 minutes ago, I got them all to work at the same time for the first time. I had to put the DVD player on the raid controller so it wouldn't be detected as a removable disk drive. I had to turn off buffer underrun protection in Nero. I had to buy a router. I had to rejumper my harddrives. I had to flash the bios, which caused me to have to edit the boot.ini files manually. I had to put in over 40 hours of work. and most of all, I had to give up windows XP and go back to windows 2000.

the result? the beast got a facelift. It now has a working 16X DVD, 48x12x50 CD-RW, a 200 Gig harddrive (for a total of 285 Gigs), and Richard and I can transfer files back and forth with absolutely no problems. Today's upgrade brought to you (me) by Mother. Mother, the wonderful provider of birthday presents when you can't afford to buy yourself anything.

Now... for the news... Celine came and visited me. Well, she really went to a flute audition, and just crashed at the house, but it was the first company I have had since I moved up here. It was great. We got to exchange happenings since graduation. I got to hear about the scandles I missed, such as the one between the trombone player named Michael and a certain high school spanish teacher we all know and love. (or at least know). and I got to tell her the complete story of how I proposed to Deedee. The only bad thing about her stay was that she left a day earlier than I thought she was going to, so we didn't get to really do anything. I was busy the whole time she was here. ::sigh:: I miss high school and the friends I had back then. Celine and I weren't exactly as close as say, me and brian during high school, but God knows what I would do for a friend like that up here.

and then there's the other side of nostalgia... Catching up with one person you've been away from for six years really makes you realize how many people you've forgotten along the way. That's always been one of my biggest problems with myself. I tend to let people slip into the past. I mean, really... how many people did I know in high school? how many of them do I know now? how many of them could I still know if I actually took the time and effort to keep in touch with people? Instead, I let them slowly drown into the past. How many hours did I spend talking to Robbie? Why is it I hadn't even thought of him until someone mentioned that he was there when I broke my arm? Why has Heather been on my buddy list for 4 years if I never even take the time to say hi when she's on? and now, is it just too late to try? am I now also forgotten?

Part of me has always wondered if I haven't been doing this on purpose on some subconscious level? I've known for a very long time that I wouldn't end up back in Memphis. It's the path I've chosen. I've known this path leads away from everything I've known before. While I don't dwell on the thought, it's always there in the back of my mind that I'm just going to have to start over again when I get where I'm going. Do I forget on purpose? I feel so bad when people say to me "do you remember when..." and it's some great story and I was part of it, and yet I can't remember it. For every story I can tell you about high school and college, I'm sure there's ten better ones that I've forgotten. and that really bothers me.

ok, I'm gonna stop now. I'm depressing myself. I'm sure it's some combination of the fact that it's 5am, or that I just finished with a two day trip into the past, I'm all nostalgic, or that I'm completely mentally and emotionally drained from trying to get the computer to work right, and probably a little bit of all of the above, but either way, I need to stop typing and get some sleep.

there's fresh snow on the ground...
:: posted by Tmber :: 5:49 AM ::
:: Monday, February 03, 2003 ::
I wasn't spazzing, I was excited... wouldn't you be? maybe I should explain, eh? well... over the past 3 days, I have gotten 18 DVDs (17 if you count the one that is technically Krys'), and do you know what I have paid for these 18 dvds? grand total: $1.06. Yup, that's right. 99 cents plus tax. I don't think you can beat that deal with a stick. I would list my new titles, but I'm tired and it's late. I'll list them later.

If anyone else is interested in free dvd's... you need to email me. I'll fill you in on the details... it's legal and it really works.. not too often you find that combo, eh?

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:03 AM ::
:: Saturday, February 01, 2003 ::
I'm shocked, I'm saddened, and I'm very upset... I'm also a little confused with myself... why is it I can sit and watch news reports of 5000 people dying, not get upset, and go on with my life, but when 7 people die, I'm torn apart?

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:22 PM ::
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me... happy birthday dear meeeee... happy birthday to me.

it's 5am, so I'm not gonna write much. Been up authoring a DVD with Richard. We got a pretty nice menu set up with chapter selections, background pictures, and background music for a dvd... I now have Cinderella on DVD. It's excellent quality. We were actually suprised at how well it turned out. Don't worry, all those people out there who are worried about copyright stuff, or perhaps the random right wing uber-conservative. If Disney ever puts out Cinderella on DVD, rest assured I'll buy it.


oh, if anyone wants a free DVD, let me know. If you don't, then let me know, also, so I can use your name and info to get me another free DVD. CompUSA: sign up for aol, get $20 towards a DVD. Call after 24 hrs but before 44 days. Don't pay anything for aol, but already got free dvd. works great. I got K-19 for $0.99. and it's legal.


:: posted by Tmber :: 5:56 AM ::

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