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:: Friday, November 22, 2002 ::

well, it's that time again... I've been busy this week... I've been sleeping lots to help get better... it's helped a lot... for anyone who's still sick out there, I prescribe sleep... at least 10 hours at a time... 2-3 days and you'll be fine :)

as for what's been going on in the world of me? well... that's mostly why I haven't posted... I've been too busy thinking. I'm at a crossroads of my life. There's signs up everywhere that tell me exactly where each path leads, but unfortunately, I can't seem to get this blindfold out of my eyes... I created a third option and then all but eliminated one of my original two... for those just tuning in, I'm trying to decide where to go to school in the fall, what to major in, and therefore what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. I did get one major decision out of the way. I got an offical offer to continue my TA with astrophysics next spring, and that pretty much solidifies my decision to drop my research project. This means cutting my income by almost half, but it's better than trying to do research I'm not interested in. I haven't told the prof yet, but I will tomorrow or next week.

so what are my options about next fall? well... it goes something like this... stay here and do aerospace or go back to State and do aerospace and an MBA. Well, those were my two options... I thought of a third. That is to stay here and do astrophysics, or specifically planetary sciences, looking at Mars. It's a long story how I came up with that third option, but it kinda scares me and excites me at the same time.. It would mean completely leaving the realm of aerospace and rocket science, but it would mean a return to science instead of engineering, and it would mean studying mars... something none of the aerospace people here or at state are doing... I don't have a clue what kind of jobs there would be out there for an engineer/astrophysicist, and that bothers me. I'm sure NASA needs mars experts, but they don't need that many of them, I'm sure...

going back to my first two options... I've all but eliminated staying here in aerospace. I just can't justify it. Most of the stuff I can do here, I can do at state, and about half of them I can do better at state... There's soooo much for me at State that's it's hard not to just run there without thinking. Academically, there's a good aerospace program, paid research at the ERC, and a speciallized MBA program. There's also friends, family, and especially Deedee. There's the idea that in a few years, my siblings might be going there, and it would be cool if I were there for that... There's the band... I miss band... SEC football... only being 2 hrs away from home... only being 2 min away from Deedee. So why not just go there? because I'm a blasted Aquarius and I can't do anything without thinking it through and logically justifying it, first.

Well, I'm up an hour later than I should be... and I'm sure you're tired of reading about my inner turmoil... and if you're not (and even if you are), you'll be hearing more of it later...

p.s.. 45 - Krys... 46 - ???

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:15 AM ::
:: Friday, November 15, 2002 ::
ok, I planned on posting yesterday, when I had time, but as it turns out, I literally could not crawl from my bed to the computer (less than a foot and a half). Yes, I was that sick. I hate being that sick... then again, I guess who doesn't? it was on my free night, too... so it's not like I got to skip out on anything important.

Thank you JP for the 44th comment. Also, it looks like JP knows me best :) or at least he got more of those questions right. I'm wondering how many of them you just guessed on and got right? As it turns out, y'all know me better than I know myself... Everyone said that my dream car was the BMW 850. When I made that quiz, I was thinking about the Mustang, but afterwards, I thought to myself, ya know... given the choice between the cobra and the 850, I'd have to go with the BMW. I'm not very suprised that most people did not know the name of my company. For the most part, that's something you only see if you are working on my computer, as everything that is actually registered is registered under that company. Most people answered Wolff Engineering Solutions, which, I have to admit, is a pretty cool sounding name, but was made up on the spot. Yup, I've always been the CEO of Wolff Management Systems :) Here, have a business card...

So let's see... what else has been going on... role playing game is going good... I now have my PC's on 6 simultaneous side quests in addition to their main quest. Some of them were things they took upon themselves, and others were meant to be minor distractors, but the PCs just couldn't help themselves... turned it into a full blown quest...

oh, I got into a "discussion" with the lead ITS guy here on campus... as a complete and separate coincidence, my computer crashed friday night and it took me until sunday to get it back running again. Thank you Kris for being a Guru in times of need...

ok, it's late, I got to get some sleep... more to come... hopefully more often than once every 10 days or so... we'll see... I gots a lot going on....ok, so I will take another second and mention this life-altering struggle I'm having.. Trying to decide what to do now... I'm finishing up my masters in december, but what then? I've always figured I'd go on to a PhD, and I need a PhD if I ever want to teach, but now part of me is thinking about doing an MBA either instead of or in addition to a PhD... A Masters/MBA is a powerful combo, but would a PhD/MBA be more powerful? Plus, State has a unique program called MBA-Project Manager. It's an MBA program that is especially for Engineer managers. I'm almost positive that if I did an MBA, State would be the place to go... but not necessarily for the PhD... argh! it's so confusing... why can't someone just tell me "this is what you are supposed to do..."??? that'd be so much easier... dad gum it... anyway... more on that later, but sleep now...

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:37 AM ::
:: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 ::
ok ok ok... I'm not dead... I've been busy... some quick notes and then I have to run to wal-mart (which is no small thing considering wal-mart is 20-30 minutes away)

first, 43... I think that's a record. I'm kinda disappointed that once I pointed out that we passed 40 everyone quite writing, but oh well... 43 works...

amendment 31 was defeated because of the fact that stupid people are allowed to vote. republicans mostly won CO, but just to give you an idea of how liberal boulder is... every single local post was won by a democrat... and not just that, but there was only a single post that received more than half a percent (0.5%) republican votes... liberterians scored big in several posts, but not republicans... oh well... as I've heard more and more frequently lately, "welcome to the People's Republic of Boulder"

I got into it with one of my only friends from here... she's way far liberal, and after our argument, I had to stop and think... you know... not very many of my close friends are liberals. I guess I don't mesh well with liberals... I relayed this revelation to Richard who replied, (heh... alliteration), "Duh... you're too opinionated and outspoken to get along with liberals"... well... ok... sure... so, how many of my friends out there think that they are liberal vs. conservative? I won't ask how many of you think I'm opinionated and outspoken... I'd be afraid to hear the results...although, honestly, I know I'm both... got a problem with that?

I'm starting a war with ITS here... I put in a phone call directly to the top... oh yeah, I'm going down in a giant ball of flames... consequently, if anyone out there knows how to "eavesdrop" or "listen in" on a connection (i.e. from your computer know what I'm typing into telnet), let me know. I'd like to be really informed for this arguement.

quote time...

Quote of the Week:

"There is no place for ethics in politics" -- a liberal friend

Quote of the Month:

"If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16th, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?"

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:54 PM ::

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