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:: Friday, April 26, 2002 ::

well, I just finished putting together an 85 page appendix to go with our 200 page paper that i have to take to kinkos in a minute to print out... while I'm waiting for an email, I took a test... I probably should study too, considering I have a test in the morning....

Which Computer Component Are you?

:: posted by Tmber :: 12:52 AM ::
:: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 ::
just got finished watching memento... holy moo cow on an acid trip, that movie is messed up.... definately worth seeing if you haven't already....

:: posted by Tmber :: 2:16 AM ::
:: Monday, April 22, 2002 ::
tests... tests... procrastination... tests....

Which natural thingy are you?

I split between this one and the prudent driver...

Find out what kind of driver you are!

I am soothing and I bring people together. What more could you ever wish for?

Which invention are you? by Allieboballie

hey wait.. how come brian's the computer??

:: posted by Tmber :: 9:28 PM ::
:: Saturday, April 20, 2002 ::
a test, a test!! it's been over two weeks... I thought everyone forgot about them :)

also, before i post the test... if anyone is interested in gaming this summer, let me know... 3rd ed D&D.. I've got game particulars, but I'll save those for later... now on to the test!

which "monty python and the holy grail" character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen

:: posted by Tmber :: 10:34 PM ::
:: Thursday, April 18, 2002 ::
Laws of the house

1) Thou shalt not steal thy roomie's towel.
2) Thou shalt not lie to thy roomie and tell him thast thou does not have thy roomie's towel
3) If thou steal thy roomie's towel, do not replace it with a 30 year old washrag that has no fluff left in it and hope that he does not notice
4) If thy roomie does notice forementioned washrag replacement, and questions thou about it, do not playst dumb and continue lying.
5) If thou are reading this, and hast broken laws 1-4 or any combination thereof, please replace thy roomie's towel back on the towel rack where thou found it

So yeah, I'm a little miffed about this one... Two weeks ago when my roommate's brother was in town, my towels started disappearing one by one... first, my good brown one... no problem, I replaced it with my other brown one... only to find that one disappeared... So I was reduced to using a 30 year old towel that you can see through because it has no fluff left in it... and guess what!! that one ran off!!! so I started asking questions... my roommate said he didn't know, but offered to let me "borrow" a towel from him... so I used that one, and just a few minutes ago, it mysteriously ran off and left the 30 year old piece of crap in its place... So I ask my roommate about it again... and again, I get denial... like I don't know where my towels went...

now granted, the towels belong to the house, but I chose those towels the first week I was here and they have been "mine" since then... I use them, I wash them, I fold them, and I keep them in my room!!

so enough of that rant...

anyone wanna buy a geforce4 ti 4600? top of the line... I got it, and it turns out I can't use it until I buy a new motherboard and processor... I got a great deal on it, though, so I hate to take it back... I may just let it sit in my closet until I upgrade this summer... but boy, look out then... :) consequently, if anyone has a spare motherboard with an agp 2.0 slot on it... let me know :)

And I don't have double standards... how many people agree that you can justifiably use two different rating systems for cars and computers? I mean, really :)

done teaching labs for this semester ::and there was much rejoicing:: unfortunately I have to grade everything now... :(

After friday, it's all downhill... final projects, here I come....

my favorite color is a dark true green or a dark hunter green... I discovered this when I was home for easter... I've thought for the longest time it was either blue or black, but when I got my new wolf shirt from my brother and sister, I realized how much I really enjoy a true dark green... not olive or drab or any of the other greens I have... just real dark green :) go figure :)

metaphorically speaking... going back to manda's blog, if JP is a package of condoms on a rack of rubber bands... I think I'm the package of rubber bands surrounded by condoms... go figure that one out :) I'm not sure if this is what I would truly characterize myself as, but in some odd way, it makes sense... same material... different purpose...

Then again, I kinda like Deedee's analogy for me... I am Morton's Salt... Just one will last you a lifetime... :)

Ok, random thought time......

if anyone wants something etched into glass... let me know... I have had a need to use the big laser downstairs and haven't had a purpose...

I'm going to intentially mismatch my uniform when I compete in the karate tournament in two weeks... I'm also going to be performing a sai kata at the tournament... a weapon in which I have had maybe 15 minutes instruction... And to make it better... everyone at the kenpo place envies my sais :) they don't do weapons... :)

mcdonald's had chicken strips on their new taste menu, but I wasn't fooled... I still had double cheeseburgers for supper tonight

I missed an incredible ISS fly over... :(

I haven't played my guitar in weeks and I'm starting to lose my caluses (sp?)

I have canned fruit in my refridgerator that has been their since I moved in...

I have a new credit card....

Someone should turn the whole "What grocery store item are you?" thing into an online test....

Last but not least... I miss DeeDee!!!

If you've enjoyed these random thoughts, you can have even more shipped to your email address everyday for the low low price of only $5. Yes, for the low price of $5/day, and a one time startup fee of $29.95, you can get random crap in your email everyday... What will be next? No one knows! Sign up now for this incredibly unpass-upable offer for only $5/day and $150 annually, in addition to the $29.95 setup fee and a semi-diurnal consultation fee of $0.50. Thank you for your support... ((All proceeds go to the Put Me Through Grad School fund))


:: posted by Tmber :: 2:43 AM ::
:: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 ::
well how about this... blogger is finally up... and wouldn't you know it, I don't have a clue what I was gonna say... other than I was disappointed that I was so philosphical and only got 3 replies... oh well...

I have a new video card... the almighty geforce4 ti 4600... dual monitor support is just cool :) wouldn't you know it, though, that the game I bought it for still won't run with it... just always the way, isn't it....

oh well....

I gotta run.... but just so everyone knows... a 67 mustang is always sexier than a 67 beetle, and a running desktop is always sexier than a broken laptop :)

:: posted by Tmber :: 11:38 PM ::
:: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 ::
just so you know, part of the reason I haven't updated lately is that everytime I have something to say, blogger has been down... figures... now I don't remember everything I have to say. other than Deedee is a meanie! how mean is it to buy a present in april and tell someone you're not gonna give it to them until july? :) maybe I'm just jealous that I haven't got her anniversary present picked out yet... but I'm working on it :)

school sucks, and I'm ret to come home... as of today, I am responsible for 225 pages of reports for the end of the semester... 75 of which I have to personally write... I just have to edit the other 150. Oh well... sucks to be me...

you know I'm feeling quite philosophical, but I don't have anything specific to philosophize about... I've seen/heard several things in the past week which have made me think... everything from the junior who nearly killed himself from alcohol poisoning because he turned 21 to manda wanting to get a job... yes... something like that warrents philosophical thinking... it's a trade off, ya know.. getting a job while you have a young kid... do you need a job for money or for personal reasons? how important is it to establish a very good relationship with your children when they're young? so many things happen during that age... I don't think I'd be half the person I am today if my grandmother had not spent so much time with me when I was younger because my mom wouldn't put me in some day care. she taught me to read, basic math, and lots of other stuff, and more importantly she set in me at a young age a set of morals that basically explain who I am today. would I be the same if my parents put me in daycare? no... how different would I be? hard to say... I can remember specific little sayings that my grandmother would say to me even though I was so young... those things are still important to me today.

the following are examples.. they may be slightly skewed, but it's to demostrate a point... so don't be offened

so it's a trade off... your child versus yourself... for manda... you want a job for personal worth and to satisfy some personal need... and if you aren't going to be happy without one, then get one... otherwise, you'll end up impressing on your child some sense of depression that he'll never remember, but he'll never forget... but if you can stay home, then stay home... you're child will love you for it :) ............the other side of this (just so amanda doesn't feel singled out) is another new mother who decided to go back to work, but for money. claiming she wanted to stay home with her child, but it was impossible to do since they needed the money... to you I say, it is not impossible... look at the situation... look at your surroundings... your brand new house with new furniture... your 5 new cars in 2 years... you're new toyota tundra and new chevy silverado (or whatever they are) that you want to get a new paint job on... and you wonder why you need money... how much luxury is worth an enduring impression on your child? will he remember you putting him in day care when he was 2 months old? no... will he ever forget it? .......... no

so there's my rant... praise be to mothers who don't put their children in daycare... they can't thank you right now... but they will....

also, it's not all on the mothers... fathers should provide enough for their families so that the mother has the option of staying home... unfortunately, that's another rant all together, and I have to go grade some papers...


:: posted by Tmber :: 12:50 PM ::
:: Thursday, April 04, 2002 ::
first, I'd like to thank everyone for not complaining that I haven't updated in forever... I've been busy... spring break was good.... got to see Deedee lots, which is very very good :) lost a game of monopoly... not so good... got to see almost everyone down at state (hi loraine, I know you're out there), very good... had to go home... not so good...

anyway... I'll have to write more of that later, cause my hands hurt now...

I got sais today! :) so be nice or I'll poke you in the eye... :)

oh, and I've only had time to take a couple of tests... here's two of them:

Take the Diablo II Character Test.

Which PPG are you?

I need sleep... later

:: posted by Tmber :: 5:48 AM ::

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