:: So It Is Written... ::

Proof that my head is directly connected to the internet.
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:: Thursday, February 28, 2002 ::

::sung to the tune of that stupid song that I can't remember the name of but stars does their "movies, movies movies movies, movies movies, moooovieeeesss" song to::

::cough cough hack hack cough hack sneeze sneeze cough cough hack sneeze cough, achoo!, cough cough hack hack cough hack sneeze sneeze cough cough hack cough hack cough cough::

other than that, I'm fine... Mike's (one of my professors) last words of class today were, "And Chad, get better... no more coughing next week"... :) Today was actually quite interesting class in there... Mike forgot to prepare a lecture, so he told stories... first about his daughter and how at 16, she had a fake id and was running a small business buying and selling alcohol for the high school :) Then he let us play with toys from thailand... Then he told us a fairy tale (I'm not kidding)... It was hillarious... I don't think I've ever heard such dead silence from about 60 grad students/seniors listening to a lecture... It was funny :)

Other than that, not much happening here... no one has sent me soup yet, and I'm getting sicker every day (I appreciate the e-soup, though :) )

welp, gotta run... until later,

:: posted by Tmber :: 6:53 PM ::
:: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 ::
So with everyone posting serious stuff about religion and morals and stuff, i would like to add the following to the discussion: I got called an elephant today :) well, not really... they just made elephant noises as I walked by, which might have been written off as some wild random noise, but it came not even a full day after I told Deedee that I was so fat that people made elephant noises when I walked by... I had to just stand there in the lobby and blink a few times... one of the more odd coincidences of this year...

I should also add I figured out what was up with richard. he has been going out with some of the junior girls... and they don't like me. simple as that... sunday night we were supposed to go see John Q, but this girl called up and asked richard to take her and her friend out drinking... so it's like richard put it... he was asked to go hang out with a couple of drunk chicks... what (single) guy could say no? anyway... I decided to stay home and watch dark crystal, but adrian had to watch OZ on hbo, so I didn't even get to do that...

one good thing to come out of this weekend was karate... kenpo, more precisely. I did what they call a "power weekend" where you learn enough material in one weekend to test for an additional belt in a given 9 week period... Well, I learned 27 weeks worth of material in two days. and then I got tested on it! I got drilled by the sensei there for a while, and after he was done, he actually promoted me to orange belt... :) :) This means after just one month of training, I have managed to go through 4 belts and move from the basic to the intermediate class :) I'd say I'm in pretty good shape :)

Also, last night, I had an experience that would have killed brian.. he would have died... period... I was walking up the stairs when I noticed there was something blocking most of my view out of my right eye. So I finished climbing the stairs and went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and lo and behold what should be dancing on my glasses but a nice sized spider. so I set him down and we talked for a few minutes and decided to settle this the gentlemanly way... We boxed... It was a good fight... His eight arms to my two... in the end, I beat him, and he agreed never to come back again... Either that or I squished him with toilet paper... hard to remember right now...

Oh yeah... I'm sick... send me soup, getwell cards, and money... not necessary in that order :)


:: posted by Tmber :: 12:52 AM ::
:: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 ::
OK, so I've spent the day trying to figure out ifmy roommate was mad at me of if he was just in a bad mood... He didn't say anything to me when he came to class today, and after class when I asked him if he wanted to grab some lunch, he gave me this "go to hades" look and said he had office hours. I offered to pick him up something on the way, and I got the same look and a no. So the day went pretty much like that. In structures, we had to form groups... there were four 4-man groups, and two 2-man groups. Richard and I were one of the two groups... I asked him if we wanted to join with the other two person group to help with the work load (this is a 3 week design project), again, I got the look, and he said maybe 3 words to the effect of no. To make matters worse, he had been working on a problem all last night and today in class that I solved in one line on the back of a piece of scratch paper while waiting for the bus.. He wouldn't let me explain how I did it, either... kept cutting me off...

ok... all that aside, what just happened really was totally crappy above and beyond all that. So I get off the phone with Deedee, go downstairs, eat my sammiches, and then sit there... bored as crap, nothing on tv. Richard comes downstairs with his coat in his hand. I asked him was he headed out. He mumbled yes, and so being all friendly like, I asked him where he was going. He said he didn't know. So I start in on this big rant about how I know how he feels... I have just wanted to get out and go do something lately. Didn't care what... hopefully something semi-social, but just do something other than watch movies... So he gives me this blank stare for about half a second, and then someone knocks on the door... before I can get up, richard answers it and I hear this voice (female), "so, you ready to go be social". She stuck her head in the door, and I think it's one of the undergraduate juniors here. Anyway, richard left without another word. I was just completely floored by what happened... He let me set there and make myself look consumed in self-pity and such, and then didn't say a word about leaving. If he would have just made up something like "yeah, I'm gonna hang out with some of the juniors tonight, but I can't invite you to someone else's party" or some other line of bullcrap it would have been better than just giving me this look and then leaving without saying a word. And the more I think about it, the more it upsets me in some way or another.

I wasn't feeling all self-pitiful before, but ya know, I kinda got that feeling now... I mean, it hasn't been bad at all up until this point because no matter how out of place I felt here, I've always known richard was here, and I had at least one other person in my situation, too... but now, he's out partying, and what did I do? Well... I spent 4 hours working on a jigsaw puzzle... spent two hours of that looking for a stupid missing edge piece only to find out that two of the pieces were cut exactly the same, and I didn't notice when the pictures didn't match up on the first one. Not exactly what I would call an exciting evening.

There's so much more I'd like to write, but I'm getting pretty tired... gotta get up in about 5 1/2 hours. If I had time, I'd like to write some how much I miss Deedee, and about childhood memories we all should take the time to remember... I caught a smell today that send me back... the smell of cool, damp dirt freshly dug from a deep hole... Also, if I were to write any stuff like this, it would probably all come out way too sappy given the state of mind I'm in to begin with.

I'm going to bed
:: posted by Tmber :: 2:48 AM ::
:: Monday, February 18, 2002 ::
I got this off of Kris' blog... I'm not sure if I'm offended or not, but either way I thought it was funny enough to post...

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

:: posted by Tmber :: 6:10 PM ::
:: Friday, February 15, 2002 ::
first... holy moo cow is an expression of amazement... NOT of me taking offense to something. I am only slightly annoyed when people nag at me. NO, I do not have time to update this thing everyday... Not even every other day, most of the time. Please refrain from telling/asking/requesting I update until at least 4 days have gone by. More than that if I've been busy.

This is an outlet for me to express any thoughts/emotions/ideas I have and wish to share. If I do not have any thoughts that I feel I need to share with the world, I will not write here until I do. You can not force my thoughts out of me. But if you wait patiently, they'll probably come out on their own.

:: posted by Tmber :: 3:24 PM ::
:: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 ::
Right, so thanks to manda's new rules for writing, here's an updated schedule for this week... maybe schedule is too long... here's an updated dog for this week:

I have a 9am test in fish followed by having to teach a lab in rock. Immediately after lab, I have to sit in my office hour to answer any questions about spoon. Thursday morning starts bright and early with a test in tree followed by back to back classes in paper and pants. Friday I go back to fish and then have a 1pm meeting of gum to discuss pants. Any questions?

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:14 AM ::
:: Sunday, February 10, 2002 ::
man, I have so much I want to say, and yet, nothing I want to write down... oh well... I guess I'll have to say something vague about karma...

karma really should be classified. Everybody's heard of instant karma... what about karma that takes a few days? of course, across life times, we have general karma, and even after long periods of time, it's still karma... but what about like a day or two... should that be express karma? quicky karma sounds kinda perverted, so I think it's out... I guess between two and four days should be priority karma... at least according to the post office... Actually, I kinda like that term... yes... I am a victim of priority karma...

also, there should be rules about who can enact karma... I mean, if I screw over someone today, he/she shouldn't be allowed to screw me over tomorrow... then it kinda rolls into the realm of revenge/payback, and all those involved don't get the clear picture of everything coming full circle... so they don't see it as getting what they deserve, and the whole idea of karma is wasted. Maybe it would work for karma, but it's definately against the rules of instant karma, express karma, and priority karma.

Meanwhile, what I'm fighting with is do I have a right to be a little upset, or do I just chalk it up to (priority) karma and keep going...

any thoughts?
:: posted by Tmber :: 11:09 PM ::
:: Friday, February 08, 2002 ::
woohoo... three tests in one day... be still my heart...

test says this:

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Thrust-ship.I am a Thrust-ship.

I am small and tricky - where you think I am, I probably am not. I can work very fast, but I tend to go about things in a round about way, which often leaves me effectively standing still. I hate rocks. Bloody rocks. What Video Game Character Are You?

although, I honestly think I am more of this, and anyone who knows me will probably agree this suits me better:

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kong.I am Kong.

Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me. What Video Game Character Are You?
:: posted by Tmber :: 9:47 PM ::
test time, test time, rolly polly test time.... ok, I'll stop singing and just give you the results:

I'm a Fire Spirit

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

:: posted by Tmber :: 4:13 PM ::
:: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 ::
Moe Warning!!! Caution, if you have ever been to Brian's page, there is now a contract out on your life. Moe has contracted several shady characters everywhere to take out the friends of brian. Today, just a few minutes earlier, I had an encounter with one of Moe's henchmen while trying to take a shower. He was a big fella, and he had me cornered... a quick dodge put the hot water between him and me, and while he was trying to get around to get at me, I sneakily reached out of the shower with one hand and managed to grab an entire roll of toilet paper... The end came quick for this henchman... he's now resting in pieces attached to a soggy roll or toilet paper in the bottom of the wastebasket...
:: posted by Tmber :: 9:44 PM ::
you know something that's kinda interesting, but you don't find much written about... scientists are so uncertain about el nino that they actually have been forecasting one every year for the past twenty years... when it actually happened, they sat back, patted themselves on the back and said, boy we sure nailed it this time, didn't we? :)

little known trivia for the masses :)

(brian's gonna be mad now)
:: posted by Tmber :: 9:40 PM ::
so what's the big deal with snow, anyways? I mean... everyone's dancing for snow, but I bet if there was a Memphis City Law that said if you don't shovel off all the snow off your sidewalks and driveways by noon or face a $300 fine plus 30 days in jail, I bet you wouldn't like snow so much!!!

p.s. I saw a snow blower the other day... It was cool.... I want one.... I'm gonna take back my geforce3 and buy a snowblower... :)
:: posted by Tmber :: 1:19 AM ::
:: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 ::
you try to be nice... it only goes so far...

you know, I think it's funny that sometimes one day can be so pivital in your life... and you look back on it and remember it because it was so important for one reason or another... and then someone else recalls those moments and you would think that angels had fallen from grace and demons had become saints to hear them recount it... well, I guess it makes them feel better about themselves in one way or another, but that day is not so far in the back of my mind that I can't clearly recall how things really were... I guess I'll just take history the way it really happened and live with that...

:: posted by Tmber :: 9:01 PM ::
:: Monday, February 04, 2002 ::
Got this one off Kris' blog

See what Care Bear you are.

:: posted by Tmber :: 12:04 AM ::
:: Sunday, February 03, 2002 ::
oh... and I fixed that line, and it didn't do anything...
:: posted by Tmber :: 10:29 PM ::
I opened blogger to fix the template and feel I should write something here... not sure why... oh well... maybe I'll just comment on the fact that manda was peeking at my code!!! how shameful is that?!?

:: posted by Tmber :: 10:23 PM ::
go watch The Count of Monte Cristo... right now.... I mean it... stop reading and go watch the movie... yes, it really is that good... no, I won't tell you how it ends... it had me guessing right up until the end.... ok, I've said enough... now go watch it for yourself...
:: posted by Tmber :: 2:08 AM ::
:: Saturday, February 02, 2002 ::

You are a DUMBLEDORE to Harry! You are kind, nice and a bit crazy. Everyone looks up to you and respects you. You're basically the nice old guy in the bunch ;D

Which adult in Harrys life are YOU?

how appropriate... I'm the old guy in the bunch... only 2 days after my birthday, and everyone's calling me old...

:: posted by Tmber :: 1:25 AM ::
:: Friday, February 01, 2002 ::
so there I was minding my own business when Kris walks up behind me and whacks me across the back of the head with a big stick... I asked him why and all he said was he would continue to whack me with said stick until I installed his blogback code, and then he mumbled something about world domination, I'm not real sure... all I know is that he stood over me and periodically whacked me with that stick until through pain and agony, I was able to install his code on my blogger..

after that, he mumbled something about having to be home by supper and he jumped out of the window and flew off...

for some reason the comments thing doesn't completely work yet, but maybe it'll fix itself before someone realizes it yet...

:: posted by Tmber :: 5:26 PM ::
happy birthday to me... ::sniff:: happy birthday to me... ::sniff sniff:: happy birthday, dear chad..... ::sniff:: happy birthday... to.... me.... ::sniff::

did I envoke any pity there? good :) I tried :) I am a bit bummed by the fact that I didn't get a cake this year... but it's my own fault... I was gonna get stuff to make me a cake and kept forgetting.... I forgot my own birthday, how bad is that... everyone else rememberd, and that's kinda cool :)

for those of you who are wondering, Deedee's present to me was NOT, in fact, naked pictures... they were silk boxers which my mom took to mean something it didn't...

other than that, not much going on... and what is going on, I can't post here because it's a seeeecret :)


:: posted by Tmber :: 2:23 AM ::

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