:: So It Is Written... ::

Proof that my head is directly connected to the internet.
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:: Friday, October 26, 2001 ::

yeah, yeah, yeah... I know it's been a while... I've been semi-busy :) I've had homework, papers to grade, tests to fail, and gran turismo to play :) Yeah, if you caught that, I failed a test... almost... the teacher gave us 15 points back on the test, so I end up with an 89... much better than it was before...

so Christmas is around the corner :) it must be... they put Christmas trees up in walmart... a bit early if you ask me, but oh well... so I decided to play along and start my Christmas shopping... I've got one of Deedee's presents picked out... of course right now it's sitting in Europe, so getting it here is going to be a bit of a problem... I think I may have my family's big present picked out... can't say what it is on the remote chance they find this site... yeah, right... :)

I've had several things to rant about recently, but can't recall what any of them are right now for some reason... better for you, I guess... My DVD's are mailed ina few hours... I ordered 21 of them, so I'll have something to watch for a while :)

umm... I'm bored and have nothing else to write?

ebay is addictive... beware ebay... it's mind controlling... it will call to you in the middle of the night to check and see if you're winning you're auction... it will make you overbid... it will make you auction off your first born child... ok, maybe not, but still, it's addictive...

ok, I'm gone... later?

p.s. I blogged... happy?
:: posted by Tmber :: 12:33 AM ::
:: Saturday, October 20, 2001 ::
here's a bit of news... my brother (the same and only 15 year old brother to put me on my knees) walked up to my dad this week and spoke these words: Dad, I wanna play football... I want to play a defensive lineman.. I want to kill quarterbacks. My dad nearly had a stroke of joy... My dad has been drooling at the idea of having a football player in the family, and now he's getting his wish... here's a snippet of conversation me and caleb had:

TmberWolff: you gonna play offense or defense?
Gemini9999: defense. gonna flatten quarterbacks
TmberWolff: you have to make it through the offense before you flatten a quarterback :-)
Gemini9999: lol,you're funny. it will be like walking throungh water to do so
Gemini9999: no issue
TmberWolff: lol... right now,maybe, but what about in high school when the guys are not so small?
Gemini9999: hmmmm...
Gemini9999: little deeper water
TmberWolff: lol

gotta love my brother's attitude... and what's sad is it's probably true... right now, there's not another kid in the school who could stand up to him.... let's see what happens when you put him in a uniform and give him a lisence to vent his rage, as he says...
:: posted by Tmber :: 4:18 AM ::
:: Friday, October 19, 2001 ::
And Manda thought she was a basketcase... check out my problems... ...


Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

:: posted by Tmber :: 11:00 PM ::
Has it really been over a week since I posted here? wow... I feel lazy all of a sudden... you can't blame me, though... I mean, if you wrote up a 6 page report on the earth's radiation belts, followed by 12 pages of matlab code modeling the orbit of the international space station, would you want to follow that up with even a sentence about your life at that moment? especially not when your wrists feel like they're going to go on strike and leave you at any moment... that's actually starting to worry me a bit... I've tried different typing positions, and nothing seems to help... I may have to go back and relearn the dvorak keyboard layout... I know that will help some, but how much? The thought of surgery has come to mind more than a couple of times in the past few weeks... not that I'm ready to go have someone slice open my wrists, but it's the only true way to get rid of CTS.

surgery also brought me to an interesting thought... it would be so much easier to be healthier if I was already healthy. Sure, I'd like to lose a few pounds and get back into karate and other stuff, but it's so hard to get motivated knowing that it will be forever and two days before I see any results or feel any better... I mean, if I could go have liposuction tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, I'd be in kenpo classes and eating salads for lunch :) it's the same principle as it is easier to keep a clean house clean. If you walk into a spotless house and knock something out of place, you immediately fix it.. it's a reaction.. whereas, if you walked into a pig stye and knocked something over, you probably wouldn't even notice, and if you did notice, it hardly seems worth the effort to fix it.

in that way, I sort of envy Caleb... he can come home, sit on the couch, watch tv, and eat bread (he eats bread for snacks), and he just grows muscles... he doesn't work out, but he's managed to grow enough muscle to put me on the ground... something seems oddly out of place there...

oh well.. guess I need to get to sleep... it's 3am... I only got 4 hours sleep last night... I'm tired... goodnight
:: posted by Tmber :: 3:59 AM ::
:: Thursday, October 11, 2001 ::
Well, I fell up the stairs, again... This one was a bit of a classic. was talking to richard as I was going up the stairs, and I turned to say something to him just as he turned to look at the tv. When he looked back I was sitting down on the top step of the stairs laughing quietly. He was like, "you fell up the stairs again, didn't you" and I just bust out laughing. What can I say? They don't make stairs big enough for my feet.

On a related note, I bought a pair of shoes last weekend. they rang up as "one pair boats"... I was depressed...

On another related note, I bought those shoes in starkville, mississippi... how did I do that from colorado? easy, I flew home for a weekend :) I didn't realize how much of a down mood I have been in until I went home. I was running all over the place, fighting with my brother and singing out loud through the house... It's good to go home.

On yet another related note, October 4th was a historic date that everyone should mark on their calendars... Caleb, my brother who just turned 15 two weeks prior, beat me in a game of mercy. I would like to blame it on my wrists hurting, but anyway you look at it, I pulled a muscle in my bicept trying to over power him, and he promptly put me on one knee and I couldn't get up no matter how hard I tried. He won... sucks... To make myself feel better, I challenged him to a fight... thinking, well... if I can't over power him with brute strength anymore, I'll remind him that I can still fight better than he can... It was an interesting fight... shoulders and legs were fair targets... although, after Caleb knocked my hips out from under me a few times, we called off the legs. I have to say that I tried all 7-something fighting styles I know against caleb, and he still not only held his own, but he jarred my jaw loose a couple of times (literally). To make matters worse, no matter how hard I hit him, he wouldn't give up. He's more stubborn than I am. We beat each other until we couldn't lift our arms anymore, and then mom made us stop... I have more bruises on my arms and forearms than I can count, and from what I heard (I didn't get to see) caleb's entire shoulders are that deep bruised green color. I guess I didn't take into account that caleb would never give up... if it came down to it, I think he'd rather die than give in. oh well...

On a not quite so related note (I don't know? It seemed like a good trend to keep up)... I got to see deedee while I was home. drove down to state and visited with everyone. It was great... forgotten how much I missed having friends... especially people like brian, sam, lorainne, sarah, and seth... but as I was saying, I got to see Deedee.... Deedee is sexy! :) If you don't believe me, take the word of the all the boys I had to beat off her with a stick just so I could spend time with her. She's got guys chasing after her from every direction... Makes me kinda want to puff out my chest and say, "why yes.. yes I do have a sexy girlfriend"... after I beat the other guys into a pulp, of course :) The one guy chasing her that is so fond of reminding her that I am 1200 miles away and he is right there actually hid in his room all weekend so I couldn't find him... smart move if you ask me :) I was already in a fighting mood, and he's about 1/4 the size of caleb... wouldn't have been much fun beating him up, but I could have done it anyway :)

so now I'm back in boring boulder and there's nothing to do. My weekend starts today, and the only thing I have planned is watching either iron monkey or the bandits, and probably playing (and beating) Final Fantasy II (or IV, same game) on the Final Fantasy Chronicals CD for playstation... fun stuff, eh?

Welp, I'm gonna stop typing now, so I'll leave you with the wonderful bit of poetry I thought up this afternoon while in class:

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

ok, ok... so maybe lewis carroll helped me a little bit, but it's still mostly my work... mostly....
:: posted by Tmber :: 5:40 PM ::

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